The US President, Joe Biden, has reacted to the halt in the promulgation of the cancellation of student loans, which are long overdue. The US court led by two federal judges in Kansas and Missouri on Monday at the urging of several Republican-led states.
U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree in Wichita blocked the Biden administration from further implementing a new student debt relief plan that lowers payments. With the urge to fulfill promises he made in 2022 over the annulment of student loans above $12,000 debt that have surpassed 10yr.
Many Democrats have unleashed their opinions favorably blurring the congruency in the Republican camp. However, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has stated why his fellow republicans halted the move of Mr. President. According to him, "Congress never gave Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt," he wrote on social media platform X.
Nevertheless, a report from the White House has been released in regard of the bone of contention between the executive and legislative side of the government. "Today's rulings won't stop our administration from using every tool available to give students and borrowers the relief they need," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.